Nyitramenti Eusebio



Rineweld Cleopatra's Mystery




Nyiramenti Eusebio

Budweiser vom Hause Reinhard
Camanna Captain Chaos
English.CH Camanna Copyst
Mallicot Make Believe at Camanna
Mocca vom Hause Reinhard
Germany. CH Tabasco vom Haus Reinhard
Josephine vomSonnenhang

HCH Nyitramenti Wonderful Life

EuCH , HCH, LuxemburgCH , Int.CH Ranger von Belvedere
Sea Dreamer's I'M Maikel
Malouine's Spready Your Wings

Nyitramenti Leitmotive

European, Estonian, Luxembourg Champion Nyitramenti Chimney Sweep
HJCH Nyitramenti Follow the Fashion


Rineweld Cleopatra's Mystery


Int.CH., Servie CH
Magic Rainbow Lovely of the Unicorn
Endless Design Mambo Man
Old Golden Gates Arresting Mind
IU're So Beautiful of Slatestone
Inamorata So Lovely of the Unicorn
Emryks Phantom of the Night
Malounie's Stray Cat Blues
Slo, Youth CH.
Youth CW.
Rineweld Young Gleam of Hope
HJ.CH Rineweld Time of Black Knight
H.CH Rineweld Kid Don't Give Up
Rineweld Persistent
World Youth &World CH.
Rineweld Awantgarde at Sheewenna
FR.CH, INT.CH Narwick Silver Blue De Cathyja
HCH, CW Rineweld Claudia Silver Lady

Születtek / born: 2011. dec. 07.

2 blue-merle szuka/ female, 2 blue-merle kan/ male, 2 tircolor szuka/ female, 1 tricolor kan/ male


Rineweld Gift from the Lord

blue-merle kan/ male



Rineweld Grand Briton

tricolor kan/ male




Rineweld Great Leon

blue-merle kan/ male



Rineweld Gilliant the Black Diamont

tricolor szuka/ female



Rineweld Gina's Loving Embrance

blue-merle szuka/ female



Rineweld Gilda Bright Eye

tricolor szuka/ female



Rineweld Ginger the Victorious

blue-merle szuka/ female



A képen 12 órás, 25-30 dkg-os egészséges collie babák./ 12 hours old strong babys




2 napos kicsik./ two days old puppies